S.W.A.T. : Spiritual Warriors Attacking Together
In response to God’s need for workers in His harvest field (Luke 10:2) and a man’s need for adventure, battle and fellowship CBMC of Michigan has developed SWAT Team men’s ministry for churches, companies and clubs.
SWAT means Spiritual Warriors Attacking Together. In God’s world live men, angels and demons. In God’s world a constant battle rages for the souls of men. The enemy seeks to kill and destroy while the Savior seeks to save and restore. In God’s world men are the target, the prize and the means for accomplishing His objective.
Jesus’ last words to His disciples were His mission statement for His future followers, those words were, “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19-20). While the disciples were with Jesus they experienced the excitement of obedience to this directive as Jesus recorded the results, “I saw Satan falling from the sky” (Luke 10:18). Jesus identified the enemy as living behind gates but that His men would be able to assail those strongholds as they proclaimed the gospel when He promised that, “the gates of hell will not overpower it” (Matthew 16:18). Jesus prayed that men would join Him in His labor and told His followers to likewise pray for fellow soldiers for He knew the laborers would be few (Matthew 9:37-38). SWAT team members are those few who rise to the challenge of joining Jesus in the work of building His church while facing the enemy head on.
SWAT teams are formed when a few men form a covenant to pray for the captive and then work together for their release by exposing them to the truth and light of the gospel as it is lived out and communicated by the SWAT team. CBMC of Michigan provides tools and training to make this team successful.
SWAT team members are committed to Jesus Christ as commander of their life, His church, and its increase in both its breadth and in its depth, understanding there are consequences of battle for the hearts and minds of men. They are no longer ignorant of the devil’s schemes nor are they unproductive in their labor. SWAT team members are focused, passionate, and fruitful.
Want to form a SWAT team in your church or company? Organize a handful of guys who have a heart for God and a heart for reaching men with the gospel and seeing those same men eventually become active members of the Church? Contact Mike Winter at MWinter@cbmc.com.