Our Mission 

To present Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to business and professional men and to develop Christian business and professional men to carry out the Great Commission.

Isaiah 63.5 describes, I looked, but there was no one to help, and I was amazed that no one assisted; so My arm accomplished victory for Me, and My wrath assisted Me.

God certainly does not need our help, but we need to be connected to Him and His work in order to feel meaningful and significant. We were created by God for God, to serve God in order to glorify God. Fortunately, for all the universe, God is good, God is love, God is humble and gentle and so His burden is light, and His load is easy making our service, our worship, our submission to Him a joy, a blessing and a reward.

Yet we rebel. God is often looking for men to serve Him but cannot find many or any. We are instead off building our own kingdoms, doing our own work for our own glory in order to receive praise and honor from men. We find this work shallow, yet we continue hoping the next success will provide the significance we crave. It won’t because we are not made for self-glorification.

God invites us into His work. God chooses work that men can do so that men can have purpose, meaning and significance. A day of accounting awaits all of us when we will be weighed and measured by our obedience to His commands that led to the fulfillment of His will on earth. Until then we are free to choose whom we will serve, ourselves or our Creator.

Our feeling of worth is impacted by that choice now and our eternal destiny is affected by that choice later.

Our Opportunities

  1. Business Owners, are you looking for a private group of fellow business owners for encouragement, support, and advice? CBMC offers such a group.  Contact Mike at mwinter@cbmc.com for more information

  2. Beginning next month CBMC will be providing YOU a mission opportunity once a month at the new Rescue Mission Drop-in center. We will be looking for one or two men a month to share their story of God’s work in their lvies for about 20 minutes from 10-10.20ish. Interested in encouraging the homeless by sharing what God has done in your life? Email Mike to sign up.

  3. You can support CBMC today. https://give.idonate.com/cbmc-inc/lansing 

CBMC Central Michigan 4407 W. St. Joe Hwy. Lansing 48917  / 517 481 5996 www.lansing.cbmc.com 


A service to the business community

A Publication of CBMC International

July 1, 2019 

10 Years From Now, Who Will Remember?

by Robert J. Tamasy 

One of the most profound clichés I have ever heard is so simple it is easy to ignore: “Fame is fleeting.” Think about it: A musician records a hit tune that soars to the top of the sales charts, but hit song No. 2 never comes. Years later the “one-hit wonder” no longer appears in a “Who’s Who” listing of famous people; instead, you might find him relegated to “Who’s He?” 

Candidates run for a major political offices, even for President. When they lose the election, however, they are soon forgotten. Some of us will forget they ever sought public office. 

Patrick Morley, speaker and author of The Man in the Mirror and other thoughtful books, referred to this some time back when he wrote, “This morning I was trying to remember the name of the enormously successful businessman and iconic philanthropist in Tampa (Florida, U.S.A.) who once owned the Tampa Bay Buccaneers (professional football team). His name was constantly in the news. He was far more well-known that you or I will ever be, yet 10 years after the last time I heard his name, I can’t remember it. And there are many more just like him.” The path from fame to obscurity can be very short. 

Morley then posed the question, “Who will remember your name 10 years after you die?” When we consider all of the people who once achieved fame and acclaim, whose names for a time were on everyone’s lips, only to fade into the forgotten, isn’t that an important question to ask ourselves? 

The fundamental issue is not how to achieve long-lasting notoriety. Rather, it is what our priorities should be so that when our time in this life has ended, the impact of our lives – the legacy we have established – will continue through the lives of other people. We can pursue wealth, set lofty business goals, strive for recognition and status, or pursue any number of lifetime dreams. But if we have not made a meaningful, positive impact in the lives of the people we encounter from day to day, ultimately nothing else will matter. 

Consider the life of Jesus Christ. His formal ministry on earth lasted only three years. During that span He touched thousands of lives, but most significantly Jesus invested many hours in teaching and discipling a handful of men from a variety of backgrounds. These were not the MBAs, top executives or elite citizens of their day. Yet 2,000 years later, His impact in their lives – which they passed along to many others – can be seen in countless millions of people around the world. 

The apostle Paul offered this perspective: “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen…what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal”(2 Corinthians 4:16-18). 

So we ask the question again: Who will remember your name 10 years after you die? None of us, of course, will approach the impact of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. But we can be involved in His eternal, life-changing work during the fleeting years we have remaining. British missionary C.T. Studd said it well in a poem: “Only one life, ‘twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” What are you pursuing with your life that will last – for eternity?


© 2019. Robert J. Tamasy has written Business at Its Best: Timeless Wisdom from Proverbs for Today’s Workplace; Tufting Legacies;coauthored with David A. Stoddard, The Heart of Mentoring, and edited numerous other books, including Advancing Through Adversity by Mike Landry. Bob’s biweekly blog is: www.bobtamasy.blogspot.com. 

CBMC Central Michigan 4407 W. St. Joe Hwy. Lansing 48917 / 517 481 5996  lansing.cbmc.com


A service to the business community

A Publication of CBMC International

July 1, 2019 

Reflection/Discussion Questions 

  1. Every year magazines name “the most influential person of the year” and “newsmaker of the year”? Without checking, can you identify who was the person honored by your favorite publication 10 years ago?
  2. Why is it, do you think, that many people who command media attention experience brief moments of fame and popularity, and then are forgotten? What does that tell us about the enduring significance of their accomplishments?
  3. If you had to give an answer right now, who do you think will remember your name 10 years after you die? And why?
  4. What things are you presented engaged in that you think can make an impact for eternity? Do you think we should even evaluate our activities in light of eternity? Why or why not? 

NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more about principles it presents, consider the following passages: Isaiah 40:6-8; 1 Corinthians 7:31; 2 Timothy 2:10,15; 1 Peter 5:10; 1 John 2:17 

CBMC Central Michigan 4407 W. St. Joe Hwy. Lansing 48917 / 517 481 5996  lansing.cbmc.com