Evangelism is a process; simple but not easy Part I
Evangelism is the dirty business of the Church. At least that’s how it gets treated. Few argue that the responsibility for making Jesus known to the world is the work of the Church. How and who does this work has been debated. However, when something is everyone’s responsibility then usually it becomes no one’s responsibility. CBMC has owned the responsibility to make Jesus known in the world. CBMC has consistently provided Christian business and professional men the opportunity to be effective and fruitful at this work in a manner that makes doing this work seamless with their other work of providing goods and services to the world. Step one for effectively doing this work is you doing your job in the marketplace with excellence. If the product or service you provide is no good then your testimony will be no good. That’s simple. So, step one for you being most effective at God’s work is to go to work and do it well. No doubt you are already trying to do that.
Step two of this first part in effective evangelism is to work like Jesus. Though He was God, He became a servant to be the Savior. Though He was the greatest of all He was also the servant of all. God took His greatness to the work of serving, making Himself the greatest servant of all. To be most effective as an ambassador for Christ then you must serve more than anyone else at a cost greater than anyone else is willing to pay. In this way, you will be like God, and will draw people to Him as they stand amazed at the depth and breadth of your willingness to serve others while you do your work. Serving others sacrificially is the first step toward gaining an audience for showing, and then telling them, about Jesus.
Mike Winter
Director, CBMC Central Michigan