Our Mission

To present Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to business and professional men and to develop Christian business and professional men to carry out the Great Commission.

Haggai 1.14 records, the LORD sparked the enthusiasm of Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the enthusiasm of Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the enthusiasm of the whole remnant of God’s people. They began to work on the house of their God, the LORD of Heaven’s Armies.

The modern vernacular of, ‘God sparked enthusiasm’ is revival. We could use a revival. This movement of God followed His rebuke of Israel for doing nothing to build His temple while they spent their time and money on building their houses and fields.

While many Christians complained about their choice of candidates this past election both the democrat and the republican candidates, along with the current president, proclaimed to be Christians. If these people reflect the state of Christianity in America what state are we in? It is fair to say we could use a lot more Jesus in the house.

Have we not spent these past decades focused on building our homes and our fields? Have we not increasingly neglected the work of building God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven? Christians are increasingly mute about their faith having cowered to the politically correct bullying of the pagans who tell them they are not allowed to speak of their God in the public venue. Really?

This was never the opinion of the founding fathers. Neither has it been the opinion of any of the great saints from any age in the history of the Church. The need of the hour is for men and women of faith to regain their courage and stand with Jesus in the marketplace, in the government and in the classroom. It is time to confess again that we are Christians believing in Jesus Christ as Savior of the world Who also created our world and values the life of every person regardless of color, age or ability.

The silence of Christians over these past 70 years has resulted in our need to almost completely start over in presenting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to our world. Like the Apostles before us we must engage the culture with service, love and testimony of God’s work in our lives.

Perhaps though step one in this work is to seek God for a renewed enthusiasm for Him and His glory on earth as it is in heaven. Then perhaps we will set about the business of building God’s Church as our first priority.

His Opportunities

  1. Thursday December 15th, CBMC will be presenting their annual get to know God better seminar. Details and Registration can be found HERE but don’t miss this opportunity to receive a plan for growing in your relationship with Jesus Christ in 2017.
  2. Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Please take a moment and give generously to Support CBMC

A service to the business community

A Publication of CBMC International
December 12, 2016

Benefits of Being Authentic

by Rick Boxx

How do you feel when you suspect someone is not being authentic or genuine, when it appears that individual is putting on an act – a “façade” – to make a desired impression with the people he or she is with at the time?

Such behavior can sometimes be described as “hypocrisy.” The root of this word comes from the Greek, a term used to identify an actor, someone who wears a mask, as they did in ancient times. When we watch a movie or attend a live theatrical performance, we accept someone doing this because that is the actor’s job. They may portray characters very unlike who they really are, but we understand that is what “acting” is all about.

However, witnessing such behavior in everyday life is not as defensible. We want people to be authentic – to say what they truly mean and be who they really are, not to present themselves falsely for a desired effect. We commonly observe this contradiction in the political scene: elected officials and candidates making speeches in which they say what they believe the audience wants to hear. Later, if public opinion polls indicate a shift, they start saying things very different.

Of course, this also occurs in the business and professional world. A former CEO of United Van Lines, Rich McClure, candidly shared at one of our events that one day he was talking with some people near his assistant’s desk. After their departure, his assistant said to him, “People can tell when you’re authentic and when you’re not.”

This was very convicting for Rich, because the assistant was right. He had just put on a show for these people, trying to impress them and elicit a certain response. This was obvious to his assistant – and likely to his guests as well. Rich humbly accepted this well-intended rebuke and determined to learn from it and act differently in the future.

Being authentic in all of our interactions, whether in the workplace, our homes, or our communities, is not always easy. We want people to think well of us, and it can be tempting to misrepresent ourselves, our companies or our products if it seems this will help in achieving the desired result. However, people can sense a lack of sincerity, when we are not being genuine. “Putting on a mask” in real life can have very detrimental consequences.

This is why the Bible often speaks of the importance of being authentic, giving people the assurance that “what you see is what you get.” Psalm 15:1-2 teaches, “Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent? Who may live on your holy mountain? The one whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from their heart.” 

Another passage speaks of a benefit of being authentic, warning against trying to mislead or deceive. “The man of integrity walks securely, but he who take crooked paths will be found out” (Proverbs 10:9).

In the workplace, regardless of the external circumstances, we should all strive to be known for our authenticity. As Proverbs 24:26 states, “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.” 

Copyright 2016, Integrity Resource Center, Inc. Adapted with permission from “Integrity Moments with Rick Boxx,” a commentary on issues of integrity in the workplace from a Christian perspective. To learn more about Integrity Resource Center or to sign up for Rick’s daily Integrity Moments, visit www.integrityresource.orgHis new book, Unconventional Business, provides “Five Keys to Growing a Business God’s Way.”

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