Building A Values-Based Business
Our Mission
To present Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to business and professional men and to develop Christian business and professional men to carry out the Great Commission.
Matthew 10.39 promises, whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life because of Me will find it.
At one time in our not to recent past it was popular to ‘find yourself.’ The remnant of that objective remains in all of the self help and self absorption we still see encouraged today. Everything is about personal happiness and fulfillment. It is why we have come to espouse that your truth and my truth can both be true while being totally opposite from one another. This narcissism has created a culture without shame and without purpose.
God promises those who spend their lives looking for themselves or their personal fulfillment will ultimately lose their lives. What does He mean? God’s perspective is eternal. People who are born never die, they merely pass from this life to the next where they spend eternity either with God in bliss or apart from God in hell. That is God’s perspective of the destiny of all humanity.
His perspective is also reality for God alone is capable of sending people to either heaven or hell. While living with us God warned us that one of these two destinies await all of us. That destination is determined by our relationship with God in this life.
Those who embrace God’s perspective of humanity: that we are created by God, for God to live forever with God will live their lives in service to God. This is the group who lose their lives in this life but find them to last forever in love, joy and peace with God and all those who have also served Him, in the life to come which is eternal.
Those who made their life objective their own personal happiness and fulfillment will lose their lives in the life to come by suffering with all those who likewise ignored God in their service and worship of God, for all eternity.
God gives us a choice: spend this short time living on this earth in service to Him or service to self with the reward of living eternally either with Him or without Him.
His Opportunities
2017’s first special luncheon is scheduled for February 9th. Mark your calendars and register HERE. Our speaker will be Hope College football coach and 9 year veteran of the Detroit Lions Tony Semple. Our venue will be new: Eagle Eye Golf Course.
Mark your calendar now and begin praying for men you will bring to this strategic event.
- Tuesday, January 17th at the City Rescue Mission from noon until 1pm is your next CBMC Rescue Luncheon. This is your opportunity to serve lunch to the men and women who depend upon the Mission for their meal. Commit Here
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A service to the business community
A Publication of CBMC International
January 16, 2016
Building A Values-Based Business
by Rick Boxx
One of the most underestimated tools for any successful business enterprise is the foundation of values upon which it has been built. If a company’s goal is simply to make high profits, to close a lot of sales, or even to deliver huge quantities of products or services, it can lead to problems with the end serving to justify the means.
For instance, if the objective is to finalize sales, one might be tempted to make whatever promises are needed to accomplish that – even if the promises cannot be met. Or if maximizing profits is the ultimate goal, it could become easy to justify cutting costs, even if that means compromising the quality of the product or services provided.
However, when a company starts with a clear, well-considered framework of values to guide and govern its operations, chances of both survival and success are increased dramatically. These values essentially define “what we do,” “why we do it,” and “how we do it.”
Many CEOs that are followers of Jesus Christ share a desire to influence their organization with principles from the Bible – which they understand to be the Word of God – while also being sensitive to those team members who may not embrace the same faith. One of the best ways to shape a company culture in an effective, non-offensive manner is to focus on values, principles of conduct and practice that everyone in the organization can be asked to embrace.
For instance, a value of placing high priority on customer service is one that few can argue with; we don’t even have to explain this value is based on “doing to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31). We might embrace the value of doing the best we can at all times, without having to insist that our staff “work at it with al your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men” (Colossians 3:23).
Since many of the values we commonly endorse come right out of the Bible, formulating our core beliefs can serve as a non-threatening way for communicating God’s standards and values. Developing these foundational values and holding your team accountable to them can give you the opportunity to lead the way to doing business God’s way.
As the psalmist expressed in Psalms 119:130, “The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.” To achieve success – and then to sustain it – it is important for every key member of the team to be able to understand and explain what the organization stands for. What are the basic values and principles that serve as guideposts for how it conducts business on a day to day basis?
If you desire to shape the culture of your organization in God’s way, try determining and articulating your core values. Next, model them, and then communicate them consistently to your team. As the apostle Paul wrote, “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me – put it into practice” (Philippians 4:9).
Copyright 2017, Integrity Resource Center, Inc. Adapted with permission from “Integrity Moments with Rick Boxx,” a commentary on issues of integrity in the workplace from a Christian perspective. To learn more about Integrity Resource Center or to sign up for Rick’s daily Integrity Moments, visit His new book, Unconventional Business, provides “Five Keys to Growing a Business God’s Way.”
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