Our Mission

To present Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to business and professional men and to develop Christian business and professional men to carry out the Great Commission.

Amos 3.8 observes, The Sovereign LORD has spoken— so who can refuse to proclaim his message? The answer to Amos’ question seems to be most of the people of God. This was true in the day of Amos and it is true today as well. Why does this appear to be true?

As in Amos’ day, so few know the message of the Lord. This would not be true if the people of God were constantly declaring God’s message even as they lived that message. What is God’s message? It is the message recorded in the Bible so that it can be verified by anyone and remembered by everyone. It is the message that God loves the world and has provided a person for helping us escape the consequences of our failure to love God and obey His commands.

God loves the world so has not abandoned the world. While evil in the world may cause us to think God has forgotten us the truth is it is people who have forgotten God who bring so much pain and suffering into the world. While we may want God to stop the thief, God wants the thief to stop and come to Him.

He gives all of us all of our lives to turn to Him, confess our disobedience and petition Him for pardon. He is gracious and longing to pardon us for our disobedience and begin building a relationship with us where we behave as sons and daughters of God and He engages us personally as our loving Father.

This message of relationship, of reconciliation is what God wills to be proclaimed from His people to the world. Failure to communicate this message leaves people helpless against their own disobedience and hopeless toward their future. People who are helpless and hopeless are not able to love God or love people well.

Those who have received this message should be both living and proclaiming this message. Living this message means living as children of God in all the joy, peace and love that relationship with God the Father entails. It is freedom from performance living to love and give with reckless abandon toward God and others.

Those who live this way attract others to God for it is how God lived among us as Jesus the Savior of the world.

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A service to the business community

A Publication of CBMC International
November 21, 2016

The Challenge of Retaining Talent

by Robert J. Tamasy

Once upon a time, workers signed on for long-term employment. They found a reputable company, could earn an acceptable wage, and fully expected to hang around long enough for a gold watch and a pension upon retirement. Not anymore.

Corporations decided one of the quickest and most effective cost-saving measures was to reduce staff whenever possible. In response, employees realized that if their companies did not feel the need to be loyal to them, there was no need for them to offer loyalty in return. As a result, the business environment began to look like frogs hopping from one lily pad to another, workers grasping at opportunities that paid just a bit more, offered better benefits, or promised a pleasant change of scenery.

Today, however, more and more businesses are recognizing the value and importance of retaining key personnel. Why invest countless hours and thousands of dollars in training new employees if talented staff can be persuaded not to leave for “greener pastures”? The question is: How to retain them?

One article I read recently listed seven reasons talented employees are willing to stick with their companies instead of taking a nomadic approach to their careers. These reasons include:

  1. Being paid well.
  2. Feeling appreciated.
  3. Knowing their employers and supervisors are listening to them.
  4. They are rewarded for quality work by being promoted.
  5. They are encouraged to be involved in decision-making.
  6. They are mentored by seasoned veterans within their companies who help them grow and develop professionally and personally.
  7. Their work is challenging and fulfilling.

The wisdom of the Bible supports such findings. Here are some of the principles it presents:

Pay people what they are worth. Money is not the only motivator, but compensation helps to assure people that they are valued. “For Scripture says, ‘Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,’ and ‘The worker deserves his wages’” (1 Timothy 5:18).

Even less-experienced employees can offer worthwhile recommendations. Sometimes the most perceptive suggestions can come from the people who must implement the plan. “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed” (Proverbs 15:22).

People want their performance to be recognized. Good workers know when they produce quality work. If their efforts are not recognized, they often choose to go where they are acknowledged for what they contribute. “Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men” (Proverbs 22:29).

Mentors help to show the way for younger workers. A mentor can be a priceless resource and benefit for a talented, emerging leader. As the apostle Paul wrote to his disciples, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me – put it into practice”(Philippians 4:9).

© 2016. Robert J. Tamasy is vice president of communications for Leaders Legacy, Inc., a non-profit based in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. Bob has written Business At Its Best: Timeless Wisdom from Proverbs for Today’s Workplace; Tufting Legacies; and coauthored with David A. Stoddard, The Heart of Mentoring. His biweekly blog is: www.bobtamasy.blogspot.com.

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