Monday Manna - The Bottom Line Friend or Foe

By John D. Beckett Gunter was reeling. The unexpected turn of events had caught him totally off-guard. After all, the board of Mastech had brought him in as CEO to move the company forward. He knew he had been selected not only because of his proven business skills, but also his genuine care for people. In fact, Gunter had always regarded his commitment to his employees as one of his greatest strengths as a leader.
Tags:  Leaders, Leadership, Bottom Line, Business

Monday Manna - An Unorthodox Marketing Strategy

By Rick Boxx In the business world it seems normal to emphasize a company’s unique qualities and capacities. We try to define our “niche,” promote our strengths, and show how we differentiate from our competitors. It is less common, however, for business leaders to publicly acknowledge their weaknesses. They are either ignored or, even worse, disguised or concealed in hope that no one will recognize them.
Tags:  Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Unorthodox, Honesty, Business