What Followers Expect of Their Leaders
Our Mission
To present Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to business and professional men and to develop Christian business and professional men to carry out the Great Commission.
Matthew 9.13 records, I’m after mercy, not religion. I’m here to invite outsiders, not coddle insiders.
This ‘harsh’ word from God should cause us to pause and consider the importance of His message recorded for us so that we can know Him and do His will. God in Jesus is warning us, challenging us, seeking to penetrate our worldview, so that we reconsider our ways and realign our priorities.
What does it mean to coddle? To make comfortable, pleasurable and enjoyable. This should not be the goal of the leaders of the church nor the goal of the attendees of Church. In our adoption by Christ, now made children of God, we have been left in the orphanage not because the Father doesn’t want us yet but because He wants us to invite more orphans into His family.
We who know Jesus as Savior are indeed children of God but we remain in the world though not of the world in order to invite those in the world to join us out of the world on that day we rise from the dead to see God and be welcomed into His family. The work of the Church, the mission of the Christian, is the Great commission – obedience to Jesus’ final command to go and make disciples of all people by teaching them to obey everything Jesus has commanded us.
We do this within our physical families, our neighborhoods, our workplaces and to all we come into contact wherever we go throughout the entire world. We support in prayer and finances those who leave this land to travel to other lands where the laborers are few so that we might extend even further God’s invitation to live with Him forever through Jesus the Savior of the world.
God’s goal is not our comfort in the church, God’s goal is the conversion of all men so that all men become part of the Church.
His Opportunities
- The next CBMC Special Luncheon will be October 18. This is your easiest, best and most productive opportunity for exposing men to the gospel. Pray for men to bring. Register yourself and at least one more HERE
- November 3rd CBMC Central Michigan will be hosting Mark Whitacre for an evening of celebration and invitation for participation in the continuation of the ministry of CBMC in Lansing. Join us from 7-9pm for testimony and dessert. Sign up HERE
CBMC Central Michigan 6011 W. St. Joseph Ste. 401 Lansing 48917 / 517 481 5996 www.lansing.cbmc.com
A service to the business community
A Publication of CBMC International
October 15, 2018
What Followers Expect of Their Leaders
by Robert J. Tamasy
Most leaders have specific expectations. They often communicate, whether orally, in writing, or both, what they expect of those that report to them. They provide job descriptions, set goals and objectives, and determine the parameters that define when, where and how they are to perform their job responsibilities. But how often do we consider that followers might rightfully have expectations of their leaders?
Max DePree, the late entrepreneur, business executive and writer, offered this perspective:
“Any follower has a right to ask things of a leader. Here are several questions that leaders should expect to hear: What may I expect from you? Can I achieve my own goals by following you? Will I reach my potential by working with you? Have you bothered to prepare yourself for leadership? What do you believe?”
A common perspective is that followers – employees, staff, and team members – are there primarily for the benefit of the leader. However, authorities on the business and professional world like DePree have long contended that equally so, the leader is there for the benefit of the followers. Many renowned leaders say one of their foremost desires is to assist those that work for them in maximizing their potential and fulfillment.
My first job was as a grocery clerk, working on a local supermarket’s night crew. I was assigned a specific aisle and the responsibility for keeping the shelves stocked, sweeping and mopping the floor, and making certain the aisle looked presentable for shoppers the next morning. The night crew manager, a fellow named Joe, could have spent the night in his office, but every evening would work alongside one of us in our respective aisles.
One night I asked Joe why he worked with us, helping us to do our jobs, rather than just giving us our instructions and making sure we did our work properly. His answer was profound: “I will never ask anyone to do anything that I am not willing to do.” That, long before the term became popular, was my first exposure to servant leadership.
I did not ask the manager any of the questions DePree suggested, but from that simple response, I knew Joe had my best interests at heart, as well as those of my fellow workers.
The concept of a leader that serves his or her followers was not originated by DePree, or Robert K. Greenleaf, the author of Servant Leadership. It was stated explicitly by Jesus Christ. He said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28, Mark 10:45). Jesus also made the curious statement, “and whoever wants to be first must be your slave” (Matthew 20:27).
These declarations were made by the One of whom the Bible says, “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” (1 John 2:2). That, without question, is the epitome of servant leadership. That is not all the Bible says about how are we as leaders to serve others.
The leader who puts the needs and interests of others first will inspire followers to give their best, including their loyalty. “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others” (Philippians 2:3-4).
As Jesus said, it is “more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). One reason is because when we give – putting others first – we also receive. In the workplace, this often means serving others, who in turn are willing to give their best to those for whom they are working.
© 2018. Robert J. Tamasy has written Business at Its Best: Timeless Wisdom from Proverbs for Today’s Workplace; Tufting Legacies; coauthored with David A. Stoddard, The Heart of Mentoring, and edited numerous other books, including Advancing Through Adversity by Mike Landry. Bob’s biweekly blog is: www.bobtamasy.blogspot.com.
CBMC Central Michigan 6011 W. St. Joseph Ste. 401 Lansing 48917 / 517 481 5996 lansing.cbmc.com
A service to the business community
A Publication of CBMC International
October 15, 2018
Reflection/Discussion Questions
- If you report directly to someone, what expectations does he or she have for you?
- Do you think that employees – followers – are entitled to have expectations of their leaders? If you serve in a leadership role, would you be willing to ask those who work for you what expectations they have for you? Why or why not?
- Should a leader rightfully be obligated to help followers in being able to achieve their goals or reach their potential? Or should a leader focus only on corporate goals and objectives, seeing staff as the means for achieving them? Explain your answer.
- What risk, if any, would leaders be taking by setting aside or deemphasizing personal ambitions and instead, considering others as better, or more important, than themselves?
NOTE: If you have a Bible and would like to read more about principles it presents, consider the following passages: Leviticus 19:18; Mark 12:30-31; Luke 22:24-27; Galatians 5:13-14; James 2:8
CBMC Central Michigan 6011 W. St. Joseph Ste. 401 Lansing 48917 / 517 481 5996 lansing.cbmc.com