Marks of a Great Leader

By Robert J. Tamasy I seem to be an information packrat. I collect articles, columns and various notes, and hang onto them for years for future reference, not knowing when or how I might use them. Recently I came across a column from 2005 that appeared in the respected business journal, Forbes. Entitled “Five Marks of a Great Leader,” it was written by Paul Johnson, a British historian and author. He asked, “What makes a real leader? How can we recognize one?” Johnson offered the view that among the qualities great leaders possess, they must include:
Tags:  Leadership

Empowering Employees to Thrive

By Robert J. Tamasy Max De Pree, an American businessman and writer, has written several thought-provoking books drawing from his experiences and observations in the workplace. One statement I have found especially interesting is: “Leaders owe people space, space in the sense of freedom. Freedom in the sense of enabling our gifts to be exercised. We need to give each other space to grow, to be ourselves.”
Tags:  Leadership

Ambition, Egos and Leadership

By Robert J. Tamasy These days we seem to assume that ambition, inflated egos and leadership go together like a yolk, egg white and shell go together to comprise a fresh egg. Leaders want desperately to advance their organizations and themselves, so strong, even overbearing egos appear necessary if their ambitions are to be realized. In fact, their boards and stakeholders often encourage a “whatever it takes” mindset for governing their leadership tactics.
Tags:  Ambition, Egos, Leadership

The Character of Leadership

By Robert J. Tamasy What is true leadership? Or to ask the question a different way, what are qualities of a good leader? Countless books and articles that have been written about leaders and leadership. Speakers have made careers traveling from city to city, speaking at dinners, meetings and conferences, offering their opinions about effective leadership. So it would be hard to find a definitive answer on which everyone could agree.
Tags:  True Leadership, Leadership, Character, Leaders

Monday Manna - The Bottom Line Friend or Foe

By John D. Beckett Gunter was reeling. The unexpected turn of events had caught him totally off-guard. After all, the board of Mastech had brought him in as CEO to move the company forward. He knew he had been selected not only because of his proven business skills, but also his genuine care for people. In fact, Gunter had always regarded his commitment to his employees as one of his greatest strengths as a leader.
Tags:  Leaders, Leadership, Bottom Line, Business